G&P Thai Herbal Shampoo

G&P Thai Herbal Shampoo

“ G&P Shampoo ” or “ the Miracle Shampoo” are always called by the satisfied customers because they are happy with its quality.

G&P Shampoo was developed over the course of 10 years and is made of more than 30 natural Thai herbal extracts using ancient and modern Thai wisdom. The formula includes Centalla Asiatica Extract, Ailicfolius Linn, Leguminosae, Gingseng, Shitake Mushroom, Miracle Grass (Jiagolan), Tiger Herb, Yerbadetajo among others to create a "Pure Herbal Solution" full of vitamins and minerals to nourish hair roots and the scalp.  This gentle yet effective shampoo provides moisturisation and strengthens hair roots. It also stimulates new hair growth and results in healthy, silky soft, shiny and  manageable hair type and style.


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