
from G&P Shampoo Users:

G&P Thai Herbal Shampoo users provided the feed backs after continuously using it for 1 bottle as follows:

1       The hair is well nourished and conditioned.  G&P Thai Herbal Shampoo users both men and women agreed that after the first time of using, they found it was very impressive as their hair became soft with silky shine.

2       Hair fall reduced. G&P Thai Herbal Shampoo users noticed that the quantity of hair fall was reduced and finally stopped falling.  Therefore, the users do not have to worry about hair fall problem anymore.  For G&P Thai Herbal Shampoo users who just have your hair dyed with the chemical tint, which causes the hair fall problem, should stop having your hair dyed for sometime. After that, keep using G&P Thai Herbal Shampoo reqularly. In case you need to have your hair dyed, please use the herbal tint instead.

3       Anti – dandruff and scalp itchiness.   Those who used to experience the dandruff and scalp itchiness, after continuously using G&P Thai Herbal Shampoo for about 1 month, found that such area became normal.  They are very impressed as they do not have to use the shampoo with the chemical ingredient to get rid of the dandruff.

4       Reduce the tubercle on scalp.  Many users who experienced the tubercle on scalp and it happened off and on all the time with out reason, found that after using G&P Thai Herbal Shampoo, such problem is reduced and subsequently the scalp condition became normal.

5       Enrich hair to be silky shine.  After using G&P Thai Herbal Shampoo; hair fall formula following by hair shine formula for 1 week, the users will feel a bit itchy at the scalp area (this condition will not happen to everyone) because the new hair is growing.  Using G&P Thai Herbal Shampoo continuously will also help to slow down the gray-hair.

Remark **

All users who have experienced any kind of hair problem, soak your hair with G&P Thai Herbal Shampoo for 30 minutes or as long as needed to help reducing such problem.


Mr.Naveed  Pervez

G&P Thai Herbal Shampoo customer

 Chompounuch  Sukvasana

 G&P Thai Herbal Shampoo customer






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